Friend – With fires, floods, and record-breaking heat, the entire country is feeling the effects of climate change this summer. But just as we need to be moving away from fossil fuels, the Biden administration is considering
whether to expand offshore drilling in the next 5 years – and we have less than 90 days to flood the Administration with public comments opposing new drilling.
On Wednesday July 20th at 6:30 PM EST, we’re holding a virtual activist briefing on offshore drilling. LCV’s Vice President of Government Affairs, Sara Chieffo will give you an inside look at Biden’s draft 5-year plan and what’s at stake for our coasts and communities. We’ll also hear from local activists in the fight against offshore drilling and walk you through the process of submitting your own public comment.
RSVP now to reserve your spot and submit a question in advance!
High gas prices are putting the Biden Administration under enormous pressure to expand offshore drilling – even though new offshore leases won’t solve the problem, since they’ll take years to start producing oil.
This summer is our chance to stop new offshore drilling from being greenlit – RSVP for the briefing to learn more and get involved in this critical moment.
Offshore drilling hurts frontline and coastal communities who already bear the brunt of climate change burdens, with the continued inevitability of spills, harms to public health, and disastrous effects for the tourism and fishing industries on which so many of these communities rely. Ensuring there is no new leasing is a matter of environmental justice, and we need to hear your voice in this fight!
Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to make a difference.
We look forward to seeing you there,
–LCV's Volunteer Team