Hi there,
When I reflect on the last few months, a theme emerges: momentum. While the journey to end animal abuse may feel like a marathon at times, the growing shifts I’m seeing give me hope.
This spring, like never before, corporations that profit from animal abuse have been given a wake-up call. Together we’ve forced huge companies to reckon with animal abuse, and the results speak for themselves:
- Quiznos recommitted to end its use of cruel battery cages for egg-laying hens, and shared a roadmap for meeting its goals by 2025.
- Red Robin also republished its pledge to eliminate cages for chickens by 2024, and agreed to report on its progress every year.
- Black Bear Diner published its commitment to go 100% cage-free by the end of 2024, and shared its plan for how it’ll follow through on its pledge.
- Meanwhile, HelloFresh is under increasing pressure as the company fails to show enough progress toward achieving its own welfare standards. Animal advocates inundated HelloFresh with calls, emails, and social media posts, and even showed up to protest at its New York City headquarters. We know HelloFresh is paying attention—and we’re just getting started.
With every fulfilled cage-free commitment, chickens will be able to spread their wings, move freely, and stand without wire mesh digging painfully into their feet.
And with key animal welfare policies in place, companies like HelloFresh will no longer be able to profit from brutal practices like “live-shackle slaughter,” in which chickens can suffer from broken bones and even death by scalding.
Every fulfilled animal welfare policy means real and meaningful change for hundreds of thousands of chickens.
On behalf of every hen who will no longer face a lifetime of misery confined to a cage—on behalf of all animals whose lives have changed because you cared—thank you.
There is still much work to do, and many animals who need us. But I’m inspired by the progress we are making together. As we set our sights on ever bigger and more ambitious targets, I’m humbled by your ongoing support. You are joined by 448 caring donors and 25,736 dedicated advocates who came forward in recent weeks to fuel campaigns that are changing the world for chickens. Together, we met our $30,000 goal and got the full match!
As I write, our campaign negotiators are hard at work, meeting with corporate leadership around the world to demand change. In doing so, they’re representing millions of animals—and thousands of compassionate individuals like you.
Together, we are relentless. Thank you for being a key part of our movement.
For the animals,

Vicky Bond
President |
P.S. Your kindness is contributing to a growing shift toward a more compassionate world. We’re so grateful for your support.