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We are seeing the pain of price inflation every time we make a purchase in America today. The consequences of inflationary monetary policy go beyond just higher prices.

That is the focus of the next two videos of What Has Government Done to Our Money?

When America broke the dollar's last tie to gold, it unleashed a new and dangerous breed of government technocrat. In The Ph.D. Standard, we see how "academic experts" have produced disastrous results in the modern economy.

In The Consequence of Politicized Money, we look at a variety of issues that arise from the Federal Reserve's reckless behavior. Zombie companies, massive malinvestment, and a global economy that rewards risky behavior and punishes savers.

Money is the lifeblood of our economy and its manipulation leads directly to the manipulation of society

What Has Government Done To Our Money? has been enormously successful thanks to the thousands of viewers who have shared them and made their friends and colleagues aware of them.

Stay tuned for more from this series, and future Mises Institute video projects.

This series is the brainchild of James Kluttz, and we are indebted to him for his continued support to make them available on
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