Center for Reproductive Rights
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In these chaotic times, many of you have asked what you can do to
help. Your financial investment powers our work and your continued
support is needed more than ever. We'd like to share some additional
ideas on ways to be involved.
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade will have
devastating impacts on the lives of millions of people. Now more than
ever we need to mobilize. If you believe abortion is essential,
it's time to take action.
Here are 7 things you can do right now for abortion rights:
1. Donate to abortion funds.
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Abortion funds directly support people seeking abortion
care-including financial and practical support like
transportation, lodging, and language translation-and
are a critical part of ensuring abortion access.
2. Donate to independent abortion clinics at Keep Our Clinics.
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Small, community-based clinics provide the majority of
abortion care in the U.S. and are more likely to be located in
states that are hostile to abortion rights.
3. Show up and protest. Events supporting abortion access are
continuing across the U.S. Visit the We Won't Go Back map and
find one near you.
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4. Speak up. Speak to your friends, family, business colleagues,
professional associates and community leaders about why the
right to abortion is so essential to a person's life and
future. Activate your networks by creating your own message or
sharing some sample #AbortionIsEssential posts.
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5. Learn more about abortion laws in your state. Click through
the Center for Reproductive Rights' interactive "What if Roe
Fell?" tool to learn about laws in every state.
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6. Find out where your lawmakers stand on abortion rights. Call
or email your local, state, and federal legislators to find
out where they stand on abortion rights and urge them to act
now to protect abortion rights and access in law.
7. Tell Congress to pass the Women's Health Protection Act
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If passed, WHPA would protect abortion access from
state-level abortion bans and restrictions, despite the
Supreme Court's ruling overturning Roe.
Read More
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We must continue to act-today and every day-to work toward
a future where every person has the right to access abortion.
Center for Reproductive Rights
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The Center for Reproductive Rights uses the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world.
© Center for Reproductive Rights
199 Water St.
New York, NY 10038
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