We need a general election to replace this rotten, inept government, which has had so little regard for the law, our democracy and standards in public life.



Boris Johnson has resigned. At last. But he is not one bad apple.


We need a general election to replace this rotten, inept government, which has had so little regard for the law, our democracy and standards in public life.


Can you donate to the Green Party today, so we can get Green MPs elected??


'The British public cannot forget the damage the Conservative Party has wilfully inflicted on this country in the middle of a pandemic, a cost of living crisis and the accelerating climate crisis... It is important that we now have a general election to give people a say on how they want their country run' - Carla Denyer, co-leader

We need to raise funds now to get more Green MPs elected to parliament to create a fairer and greener future and improve standards in public life.


Can you help power our campaign today??

Thanks for your support.


The Green Party