July 2022
Help Fill Their Backpacks - Help Fulfill Their Promise 
Annual Backpack Drive - We Need You!
Returning to school will be challenging for many students.  For those fighting their way back from pandemic-related learning loss, it will be even tougher. You can help make sure they are prepared with a new backpack filled with supplies and a hand-written note of encouragement. Our goal, with your help, is to distribute 600-700 age-appropriate backpacks for elementary, middle and high schoolers and youth in workforce training. Join us for packing or distributing. Give through our wish list or direct donations.
Give through our WISHLIST
Volunteer to assemble backpacks August 8th and 9th
Volunteer to distribute backpacks to youth August 11th
Donate directly

Summer at Identity: Making Up for Lost Time

From helping rising 9th graders get comfortable with the pace of high school life to helping elementary students learn how to persevere, Identity is running programs this summer to continue to shrink pandemic-related learning gaps. There are also lots of outdoor activities, team sports clinics, and opportunities to enjoy the healing power of nature. Read More...
Parent Leaders Inspire Change and Civic Engagement 

The largest group ever of emerging parent leaders graduated from our Parent Leadership Academy on June 23rd in front of almost 100 supporters, including their proud children. Forty-seven graduates learned how to advocate for changes that benefit their children and their school community.  Their newly honed skills and activism have so inspired other parents that we are serving 25% more parents this year.

Prom Identity Style

Identity teens new to the country thought attending their high school prom would be impossible, but the Watkins Mill High School Wellness Center team found a way, with gowns, tuxes, and a balloon-filled Identity bus to get them there in style.  Read More...
KindWorks  supplies a Summer of Fun 

From soccer balls to bubbles and sidewalk chalk, this room full of new supplies for a fun summer were donated by KindWorks, a non-profit that mobilizes volunteers and donors across the county. Our youth and families are lucky to have KindWorks in their corner! 

Social Interest Award

Identity's bilingual parenting workshops have gotten the attention of the National Society for Adlerian Psychology (NASAP), which honored us with the Social Interest Award this May. The society promotes teaching parenting skills based on parents' natural strengths, an approach we have brought to Latino parents through our partnership with PEP (Parent Encouragement Program).
A Creative Partnership

The Olney Theatre Center has chosen Identity as one of two 2022-2023 Community Partners.  We are very thankful as this opens a unique opportunity for our elementary and middle school youth to work with the theatre on creative projects.
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We send updates periodically to friends of Identity and individuals who have supported our work.

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c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300
Rockville, Maryland 20855

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