July 7th, tonight's General Meeting Cancelled
We are sorry to have to cancel tonight's meeting. Our speaker, Richard Heinberg, will be having surgery and needs to reschedule his talk.
Since it is short notice to find another speaker and a holiday week, we thought it best to cancel our July meeting.
Our August 4th meeting will feature one of our favorite presenters, Charlie Forbes, who will be giving us an update on what is happening with recycling, composting, waste management etc. in Fairfax County.
Since we are not meeting in July, just wanted to encourage people to join in Plastic Free July. There are several ways to participate and below is a link to the Break Free From Plastic Pollution website with the campaigns they are working on. 350Fairfax is a member of this coalition and we encourage our members to participate in making our voices heard and holding those corporations responsible for their plastic waste and it’s impact on the environment, as well as taking responsibility for our own plastic pollution.
Take Action | Break Free From Plastic
See you in August and sorry for the cancellation of our July meeting.
Sustainably yours,
Helene Shore