From MassGOP Chairman Jim Lyons <[email protected]>
Subject Our day in court
Date July 6, 2022 11:36 PM
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Certain things are worth fighting for Friend,  This morning we had our chance to make the case before the state Supreme Judicial Court as to why the Democrats' scheme to make pandemic-driven mail-in voting permanent was unconstitutional. I could not be prouder of the performance delivered by our lead counsel, Mike Walsh. Mike was as prepared as any attorney I've ever dealt with (and yes, I've dealt with lots of them). Coincidentally, he's also running as a Republican for Governor's Council, the body in charge of confirming judicial nominees. You can watch video of this morning's hearing by clicking here and then selecting "Lyons v. Secretary of the Commonwealth." Help us fight for you. Click here to donate. The Massachusetts Constitution is explicit: There are only three reasons for absentee voting -- if you're out of town or serving overseas, if you have a disability, or if you have a religious commitment which conflicts with Election Day. The Democrats know this and that's why they relied on the disability requirement to extend mail-in voting for all during the COVID-19 pandemic. They know that making this permanent overwhelmingly helps just one side -- the incumbent -- and they see this as yet another way to increase their power. Your generous donation helps fund legal challenges like ours, and helps support Massachusetts Republican candidates immeasurably. Donate $10 Donate $25 Donate $50 Donate $100 Donate $250 Again, we always welcome LARGE contributions but even the SMALLEST donations go a long way to preserve and advocate for our core principles. Thank you so much for your continued support. Yours, Jim Lyons Chairman, Massachusetts Republican Party Paid for by the Massachusetts Republican Party Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee Massachusetts Republican Party | 400 West Cummings Park, Suite 5650, Woburn, MA 01801 Unsubscribe [email protected] Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by [email protected] powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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