Ilhan for Congress

It’s past time to reform the Supreme Court, friends.

  Ilhan Omar Verified Twitter Account @IlhanMN

5 justices confirmed by a POTUS who lost the popular vote.
4 lied under oath.
2 credibly accused of sexual assault.
1’s seat literally stolen.
1’s spouse implicated in a coup attempt.

It is not enough to tell people to vote. We need a comprehensive plan to fix this court.

The conservative majority — appointed largely by presidents who didn’t win the popular vote — cares more about enacting a far-right agenda than what the Constitution actually says.

In the past few weeks, we’ve seen the Court undermine reproductive rights, religious freedom, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to address the climate crisis.

Our democracy should not only do the will of the people, but also protect the rights of the people. We are not living up to those ideals under the conservative-stacked Supreme Court.

But we can restore our democracy by reforming the Court. Ilhan has called for Congress to use their constitutional authority to hold justices accountable with binding ethics rules, impose term limits, launch an impeachment investigation into Clarence Thomas and his wife’s role in the January 6th coup, and expand the Court.

If you agree that we must reform the Court and restore our democracy, add your name next to Ilhan’s:


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