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The radical left is hellbent on destroying our economy.

Even with out-of-control gas prices, unprecedented inflation, and a crashing stock market, these Woke Liberals still think they can buy their way into keeping their unlimited power over you and me.

And the worst part is...

...it might just work unless patriots like you get involved.

If we can flip seats like New Mexico's 3rd District we can take back Congress and save our great nation before it's too late.

Which is why I'm asking you to join me with an urgent gift of $35 or more today and join the fight to kick the Democrats out of power.

Let me step back and introduce myself.

My name is Alexis Martinez Johnson and I'm running for Congress because we can't afford to allow the radical left to remain in power any longer.

I was born and raised here in New Mexico, and I've spent my career making sure that American energy has been produced and jobs have kept on our shores.

Which is more than you can say for my opponent.

Teresa Leger Fernandez, who has been nothing more than a "yes woman" for Joe Biden has sat on her hands while people across New Mexico and the entire nation have suffered.

When gas shot above $5 per gallon, Fernandez was silent.

When inflation skyrocketed to all-time highs, Fernandez was silent.

When there was an extreme baby formula shortage that left families desperate for help, Fernandez was silent.

The truth is, as long as Fernandez stays in Congress, she'll do nothing more than give Biden a big thumbs up and greenlight the Green New Deal "transition" which will make inflation and the economy even worse.

Will you help me kick her out of Congress and right our economy by chipping in $5, $10, or $35 to my campaign to flip this district red and kick Democrats from Congress?

John, getting gas prices back down and endling inflation isn't complicated.

It starts with:
  • Green-lighting new drilling here at home – there are thousands of untapped oil wells just here in New Mexico!
  • Stop printing money we don't have – and stop telling families making $30,000 a year to buy a $60,000 electric vehicle to "save the environment."
  • Ending reckless spending and handouts that drive inflation – instead we can lower taxes and rein in spending which will benefit everyone.
And that's exactly what Republicans will do once we win this district, take back Congress, and "transition" Biden OUT of the White House.

Your immediate help is going to be key.

As I said, this is the district that could determine control of Congress, which is exactly why Biden and Pelosi are spending so much campaign cash on Fernandez.

To go shot-for-shot with them, I can't waste time.

I need to get more ad campaigns up on the air and more mail into mailboxes immediately, and I need your generous financial help to do it.

Will you donate $5, $10, $35 today?

Remember: Pelosi and Biden are trying to buy their way to victory in this race, so I can't afford for you to sit on the sidelines.

If we lose here, we won't just hand them control of Congress... inflation will only get worse!

I hope you know that I'll put your donation to good use right away.

November will be here before we know it, and we have no margin for error in a race as important as this one.

Onward to Victory,
Alexis Martinez Johnson
Alexis Martinez Johnson
New Mexico's 3rd District


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