Hey John, we wanted to make sure you saw this powerful video of Christy telling her personal story at the Women's March last year — it's now more relevant than ever:
Photo of Christy speaking at Women's March Rally

For Christy and for so many child-bearing people across the country, the overturning of Roe vs. Wade is a personal attack. Not only do abortion rights save lives, reproductive freedom is also fundamental to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.

We will not allow a few extremist justices to control our fate or our future. Christy is more fired up now than she's ever been, but she is going to need your help to bring the fight to Congress to codify Roe and restore basic human rights and dignity for all women and child-bearing people.

Please watch Christy's powerful video and then chip in $5 or whatever you can so we can expand our majority in Congress and restore Roe vs. Wade through federal action. >>>

We are not going back, not ever.

— Team Christy


Christy Smith is running an entirely grassroots campaign that doesn't rely on corporate PAC or special interest money. Your generous support is key to flipping CA-27 from red to blue. As one of only 14 "toss-up" races in the country, the path to holding our Democratic majority in Congress goes straight through CA-27. Will you pitch in and help flip this seat red to blue once and for all?