December 5, 2019
Listen to Today's Podcast:
In this episode, I address the Democrats’ complete meltdown on Capitol Hill and the devastating impact their hoax impeachment is having on their election 2020 chances. I also address a bold initiative by the Trump administration which was largely ignored by the liberal media. Finally, I address some key developments relevant to the 2020 election. |
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Congressman: List of Dems OPPOSING Impeachment “Growing by the Hour”
Congressman Tom Reed (R-NY) says Democrats are turning on the push to impeach President Trump.
This SCOTUS Case Could Spell Doom For Gun Control Advocates
While an issue as hotly debated in the media, gun control has been debated far less in our nation’s highest courts. In fact, it’s been nearly a decade since a case pertaining to the topic has made its way to the Supreme Court.
Don't miss Dan's Interview with Brian Kilmeade.
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991