For his entire career, Bernie has been advocating for the key issues that most of the leaders in the Democratic field support today.
Health care for all, not taking money from big corporations and PACs, fighting climate change, student debt relief and education for all...
In 2016, people considered those things to be pie in the sky. Now they are the norm because Bernie stood for those issues, even when they were not popular.
We need a movement leader. We need a movement organizer. We need a leader who is actually one of us. And Bernie is one of us — he always has been.
That is why I proudly and humbly give my support to Bernie Sanders' campaign for president. And today I am asking you to join me:
I grew up as a second generation Italian American in the factory town of Kenosha, Wisconsin — one of the biggest industrial hubs in the U.S. at the turn of the century.
I come from a working class neighborhood where people worked at American Motors or Anchor Hocking or Anaconda Brass. I saw those companies closed down and I saw my community devastated.
The thing about the working class people that I grew up with was they had a real moral center to them. I think that's why Bernie resonates with me, because he feels like those people.
I believe in Bernie, and I know that he is going to have the back of the working class. That's who he is. That's where he came from.
Bernie will be the first to tell you that this campaign is not about him — it's about you. He knows that our power is derived from all of us, together.
That is the only way we will win this election and create a government that works for all of us, which is why I am asking:
Thank you for being a part of this campaign.
In solidarity,
Mark Ruffalo