

I’ve sent you several emails now on the importance of the MORE Act -- and why it’s critical that we not only decriminalize marijuana, but also invest in the communities that were most hurt by the War on Drugs.

Well, just this week I saw a post claiming that the MORE Act “doesn’t stand a chance,” because it will just end up in Mitch McConnell’s graveyard. And you know what, if we don’t step up, that’s exactly what will happen.

By signing our petition today, you are making it clear that we are ready to bring our federal marijuana policy into the 21st Century. Decriminalization is the first step. But we also need to expunge past criminal convictions and ensure that communities that were targeted by past policies have a chance to participate in and benefit from the growing marijuana industry. We can’t afford to wait any longer. Will you add your name?


Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress

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