From Advanced Energy Economy <[email protected]>
Subject AEE Weekly: PURPA Revisions Miss Mark; NV Advanced Energy Jobs; Exec. Forum on Microgrids, Energy Storage, Natural Gas; Webinar – Advanced Energy Year in Review
Date December 5, 2019 9:12 PM
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PURPA Revisions Miss Mark; NV Advanced Energy Jobs; Exec. Forum on Microgrids, Energy Storage, Natural Gas; Webinar – Advanced Energy Year in Review

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Policy update

AEE Files Comments on FERC's Proposed PURPA Revisions ([link removed] )

AEE filed comments in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC's) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) issued Sept. 19 (Docket Nos. RM19-15 and AD16-16) that proposes revisions to regulations implementing the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). AEE noted concerns with many aspects of the NOPR, but chose to focus its comments on competitive market access for generation resources under 1 megawatt (MW). "While we agree that PURPA can be modernized to better reflect today’s market, FERC’s proposal significantly misses the mark by ignoring the first principle of the law: fostering market competition," said Jeff Dennis, AEE Managing Director and General Counsel. Click here to continue reading the press release.> ([link removed] )

New from AEE

More Workers in Nevada Advanced Energy than in Real Estate, More than Double in Mining, with 7% Growth Expected in 2019 ([link removed] )

AEE released a fact sheet ([link removed] ) reporting that Nevada has 33,900 people working in advanced energy across the state. This represents more workers than those in Real Estate (27,591), and more than double those working in Mining (12,906) across the Silver State. Nevada advanced energy jobs grew a stunning 31% last year (over 2017), 10 times the state’s overall jobs growth rate (3.1%), with most of this increase associated with Tesla’s Gigafactory 1, a battery and electric vehicle sub assembly plant located near Reno."These latest jobs numbers show that Nevadans around the state are reaping the benefits of an expanding advanced energy job market,” said Sarah Steinberg, AEE Policy Principal for Nevada. Click here to continue reading the press release or click below to download the fact sheet.> ([link removed] )

Download NV Jobs Fact Sheet ([link removed] )

on the blog

Executive Forum Looks to Capture Value for Consumers From Microgrids, Energy Storage, and Renewable Natural Gas ([link removed] )

Top executives and policy makers recently gathered for a forum on a set of advanced energy technologies not always at the center of attention. At the AEE Executive Forum, entitled Microgrids, Energy Storage, and Renewable Natural Gas: Capturing Value for Consumers, the focus of the conversation was on the opportunities presented by the adoption of these technologies and the challenges of bringing them to scale. “For this forum, AEE brought together senior leadership from member companies, entrepreneurs and investors, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, and investor-owned utilities to address fundamental policies to strengthen our industry’s ability to transform the market and deliver resilient and reliable renewable energy,” said AEE CEO Nat Kreamer. Over dinner and a daylong dialogue, participants in this exclusive event also had the opportunity to network and build relationships among providers, utilities, regulators, and institutional customers. Click here to continue reading the blog post.> ([link removed] )

aee webinars

Webinar - Advanced Energy Year in Review: Wins, Losses & Draws ([link removed] )

It’s been a busy year in advanced energy policy. With new governors in many states declaring ambitious goals, legislatures taking action for (and sometimes against) industry growth, and regulators state, federal, and regional wrestling with the nuts and bolts of implementation, there has been nary a dull moment since January. In this webinar, AEE’s experts will take us through the calendar, pausing to recall the highs and lows of policymaking as they happened this year – and explain their implications for industry growth, now and going forward. Click here to register for the webinar.> ([link removed] )

A live webinar on Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 1pm ET/10am PT



Jeff Dennis, General Counsel and Managing Director, AEE (Wholesale Markets)


Ryan Katofsky, Managing Director, AEE (Regulatory Policy)


Amisha Rai, Managing Director, AEE (Western States)

- Matt Stanberry, Managing Director, AEE (Electric Transportation)

J.R. Tolbert, Managing Director, AEE (State Legislation)

- Robert Keough, Senior Vice President, Content, AEE (moderator)

Register for the Webinar ([link removed] )

Featured Event

Cleantech Forum • January 27-29 • San Francisco, CA

Join AEE at Cleantech Forum San Francisco from January 27th to 29th 2020 to connect with investors, add new partners to your network and meet innovators with the power to transform industry. This year’s theme, Welcome to the Chaos of the 2020s: Urgent Actions, Unusual Strategies, Unexpected Allies, speaks directly to the uncertainty of a chaotic decade ahead. Join us in San Francisco ([link removed] ) using the partner code AEE300 for $300 off!

AEE / the business voice of advanced energy ([link removed] )

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