Dear John,
Today, July 6, is the last day to take the World Resources Institute's positioning survey. Will you help shape our direction in the critical years ahead by sharing your opinion with us?

We deeply appreciate your input and know that, with your feedback, we can continue to make as big a difference as possible for people and planet – right now, when it’s needed most. For more context, please see the original email below.
Thank you,
Michael Oko
Acting Head of Communications
World Resources Institute
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Michael Oko, World Resources Institute
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2022
Subject: Help Shape WRI’s Future
Dear John,
As WRI celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2022, we are looking back at what we have achieved and looking ahead to our future. This year, we are developing a new institutional strategy that will set our direction and inform our activities for the next 5 years, and beyond. Through our strategy, we aim to sharpen our approach so we can make more progress on the urgent challenges the world faces today.
As we embark on our strategic plan, we want to better understand who we are and how we are seen in the world.
As a friend and supporter of WRI, we want to hear from you. What version of WRI does the world need today? How should we position our organization to have the greatest impact?
Will you help make WRI stronger by answering a few questions?

We appreciate that much of our impact over the past 40 years is thanks to the incredible people, like you, who partner with us, support our work, and follow our research. That’s why it’s so important for us to get your input!
Please click here to take our online survey by July 6. It will take less than 10 minutes of your time and it will give us vital feedback that will inform our direction for these critical years ahead.
Thank you for your engagement and support,
Michael Oko
Acting Head of Communications
World Resources Institute
PS: If you have suggestions about how you think WRI can improve and expand our impact, please write to me at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you.