Dear John,

Great news: After pushing all year to get Congress to act, we’re on the verge of passing historic voting rights legislation!

HR4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), is expected to be introduced in the House as soon as tomorrow morning. It would bolster voting rights and undo the disastrous 2013 Shelby County Supreme Court decision that gutted the original Voting Rights Act.

But first Members of Congress need to hear from YOU!

Call now to tell your representative to pass HR4 and protect the right to vote for everyone!

Here’s what you can say:

“Hi, my name is John, and I’m calling to ask you to vote YES on HR4, the bill to restore the Voting Rights Act. Voter suppression and intimidation are unacceptable, we MUST pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act to protect the right to vote for everyone!"

And if your representative plans to support HR4 be sure to thank them!

Since the 2013 Shelby County Supreme Court decision, voting rights have been under attack all around the country. That decision invalidated the federal government's authority to review changes to voting laws to prevent voter suppression. As a result we've seen case after case of outrageous voter suppression. From voter purges, to closure of polling places in marginalized communities, to fines and fees that effectively constitute poll taxes - we’ve seen Republican politicians do everything they can to suppress the vote.

But HR4 will restore the federal government’s authority to review changes to voting rights laws, making sure voter suppression attempts are invalidated before they go into effect - protecting the right to vote for everyone and especially communites of color, young people, and everyone specifically targeted by voter suppression laws.

That’s exactly why passing HR4 is so crucial and why we’re asking you to call your representative now and urge them to vote YES on the VRAA. 

Voting rights activists gave their lives to ensure that everyone would be able to have their voices heard in our democracy. Members of Congress must honor that sacrifice and vote to restore the Voting Rights Act.

Thank you for all you do, 


MAYDAY America


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