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The next training for the Michigan Crash Analysis Tool (Mi-CAT), will focus on Network Screening and Sliding Window Analysis.? These new applications will display and allow for the ranking of high crash segments.? Additional features, such as behavioral countermeasures, will also be part of July?s training.


Below are links to Mi-CAT, the Guides and Help Articles:

Access Mi-CAT Account
Crash Query Application Overview
Dashboard Overview
How to Download a UD-10 Crash Report
Network Screening Application Overview
Sliding Window Analysis Overview
How to Generate a Sliding Window Analysis
How to Generate a Network Screening Report


Law enforcement agencies and traffic safety partners in Michigan can request access to Mi-CAT, which will allow complete access to statewide traffic crash data.? Please register for the free virtual training session being offered through MI-TRAIN, using Course ID: 1095647.? This course is designed for those individuals making strategic decisions on how to address traffic crash issues.?



Upcoming Mi-CAT Training:

MI-TRAIN Course ID: 1095647

Thursday, July 21st, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Traffic Crash Reporting Unit at: CrashTCRS@michigan.gov.



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