

The abortion industry has been having a very public temper tantrum since Roe v. Wade was overturned last month...

...but soon, Planned Parenthood is going to have to figure out how to stay open with its core product now illegal in half the country.

Former Planned Parenthood manager (and 40 Days for Life's new outreach director) Ramona Trevino joins me on this new video to discuss where America's abortion empire goes from here--and how pro-lifers will need to respond:


To watch the video, click the image or visit:

While Planned Parenthood isn't ready for the post-Roe world, 40 Days for Life has been preparing for this moment for years.

And we're ready to help YOU end abortion where you live:

Don't sit on the sidelines and watch history unfold. Stand up and speak up!

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316