This is why starting strong is so important, John. //


The first session of government starts today – and that means our NDP MPs will be bringing the momentum we’ve been building together directly to the floor of the House of Commons and fighting for everyday Canadians.

Jagmeet has made it clear – New Democrats will not back down on things people urgently need. Like universal national pharmacare, real progress on making life more affordable for people, and tackling climate change. And we’ll insist that the government stop fighting Indigenous kids in court.

Our MPs are determined to make sure our government puts everyday people before mega corporations – but it means standing up to Trudeau’s Liberals and their wealthy and well-connected friends. John, our job now is to support our team, amplify their work across the country, and show the other parties and all Canadians that we’re strong and we won’t back down. Can you chip in $3 right now to help us do it?

Chip in!

It’s amazing to see Jagmeet post-campaign, in the media and visiting communities – he’s stronger than ever and working to build on our accomplishments during the campaign. We were hugely successful in growing our movement, showing Canadians what New Democrats stand for, and pushing hard on the key issues we’re determined to stand strong on.

But Canadians are still being left behind and forced to make impossible choices. And with a minority government and Jagmeet and our team in a strong position coming out of the election, we have the opportunity to make a huge difference for them.

To do it, we have to show our strength, keep fighting, and build on our campaign work in Ottawa and across the country. We need strong New Democrats to stand up to the Liberals when they try to keep giving breaks to their ultra-rich friends instead of helping the rest of us.

John, while our team is fighting in the House, we’re working to hit our critical end-of-year target – and we need your help. Will you chip in to help our team start strong?




Melissa Bruno
National Director
Canada’s NDP

What's the deal with the tax credit?

Donations to the NDP are eligible for a generous tax credit which means you get to help us fight for what people need and get a nice big return at tax time – it's win-win!

You get 75% of the first $400 you give. So at the end of the day, you spend $100 – but our team can invest $400 to build on our campaign momentum, stand up for everyday Canadians, and start 2020 strong and ready for anything.

Donate before December 31 and get the max out of your tax return.


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
