Green Party Email
I’m Carla Denyer and I’m standing to be our next Green MP.
As a renewables engineer, it wasn't in my plan to go into politics.
But when our politicians bail out banks, and not the climate, it begs the question: who are they really fighting for?
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I am putting myself forward for Parliament because I am done waiting for those in power to wake up.
This election is about delivering bold climate action.
It’s about offering a truly Green New Deal. Offering a people’s vote on Brexit. And an end to the destructive austerity in our country.
Our Climate is not lost yet. Our departure from Europe is not final.
In the last week of this election, I’m looking for volunteers to help speak to voters and deliver leaflets. and particularly next Wednesday and on election day.
Will you join my campaign in the final countdown?
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Thank you,
Carla Denyer
PS. We particularly need your help next week in the final stages of the campaign - can you join us next Wednesday and Thursday to get out the Green vote?
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Promoted by Chris Rose on behalf of the Green Party, The Biscuit Factory
Unit 215 J Block
100 Clements Road
SE16 4DG
United Kingdom
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