The Simple Secret to Winning the Nation!

Dear John,

I love a good story where people overcome impossible odds, good triumphing over evil, freedom over tyranny, where the divine hand of providence undeniably intervenes on behalf of good people. 

America’s story is truly one of history’s greatest triumphs! Americans mustered ONLY 3% to 25% of the population to defend our newborn nation and fight against the largest, most skilled, most powerful, richest nation on earth! And they WON!!! 


The Republic that our founders fought, bled, and died for has remained the greatest, most powerful government ever known.


A Republic in which the people govern themselves and understand HOW representative government works! 


You might feel the odds are stacked against us, that the Left is winning. The truth is that the Left is very good at creating theater and only operate with a radical 2% at the top that are skilled at puppeteering a large community of sheeple. Sheeple that are turning on the Left the moment their checkbooks got hit, couldn’t afford to fill their gas tanks, or buy groceries.   


“The 2% passionate will always rule over the 98% dispassionate” -Brigitte Gabriel 


Let me tell you a secret the LEFT doesn’t want you to know. The secret to steering the country is to steer local government, one city, one district, and one county at a time. 


And you don’t need big numbers to do it! You just need 40-50 dedicated grassroots activists that faithfully email and call their representatives on key issues. 

Can we do it?! We already have leaders positioned in a third of the counties working to build their target number of activists working towards this goal!


Act for America is building an all-state, state-county network fortification of the Republic. We are planting Act for America grassroots teams in every county nationwide, fighting with the necessary numbers, ruling, and overruling public policy one representative at a time. THIS is how a Representative Republic WORKS!


Will you join the movement and dedicate a few minutes a week to ACT NOW


Will you bravely join our leadership team and help organize 100 people in your town to SAVE AMERICA? 


Will you fund this effort to build up our Republic to be the strongest our nation has ever seen?! 


It takes dedicated grassroots specialists defending all 50 states, supporting, mobilizing, recruiting, training, equipping, our leadership teams across the country! 


We can do this together! We can’t do it without you. 


YOU, the Republic, rising out of the ashes, shaking off the dust of discouragement, daring to HOPE and Act for America. All of us doing our part. 


It’s time to win back our country with a winning strategy! Let’s build a Republic Grassroots Advocacy Army together!


ACT for America Education, a 501(c)(3) organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.

869 Lynnhaven Pkwy, 113 #411
Virginia Beach, VA 23452

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