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Wednesday, July 6th, 2022


The Assassination and Mrs. Paine

Edward Curtin

Build Back Better 2.0: Global Elites Rebrand to ‘Rules-Based World Order’

Jordan Schachtel

Rising Interest Rates May Blow Up the Federal Budget

Jeff Deist

NATO Scribes vs. Russian Artillery and Rockets

Ray McGovern

It’s Imbecilic For People Like Fauci, Who Acts Like He’s God’s Right-Hand Man, To Silence Opposing Scientific Viewpoints on Covid

RT News

Cold War CIA Experiments on Children Exposed

Kit Klarenberg

American Secession

Adam Dick

Neocon Hack Bill Kristol Redefines July 4th

Jose Nino

Legal Framework for Tyranny with Katherine Watt & Alexandra Bruce

Alexandra Bruce

Who Really Makes US Foreign Policy? Who Benefits and Who Loses?

Joseph Solis-Mullen

Mona’s Mendacious Moaning Over J6

Paul Gottfried

Will Pfizer Be Charged for Mislabeling Vaccine Side Effects?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

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