All hands on deck!
Both my parents immigrated to this country in 1980. My dad came from Mexico and my mom fled the civil war in El Salvador. They met it East Texas, and I was born 4 years later. I remember the night before they took their citizenship exam. I was about 9 or 10, and my mom and dad were sitting at the table going over the test. My mom called me over to hear her recite the pledge of allegiance one more time, because she wanted to get it perfect the following day. I was a kid, and I didn’t understand the significance of that moment. However, I do today.
Yesterday we walked in three 4th of July parades – Howard County, Severna Park, and Annapolis. We decorated a Ford Thunderbird and a Jeep, played patriotic music, waved flags, and talked with as many voters as possible. Best of all, we got to celebrate the birth of this great nation.
Now I need your help. Early voting starts on Thursday, July 7 and goes through Thursday, July 14. Although we’ve sent mailers, published a video, put up signs, sign waved, and knocked on LOTS of doors, some people still haven’t made up their minds on who to vote for. We are not taking ANTHING for granted.
Will you help us pass out literature at the polls and greet voters or sign wave? Just click here to sign up, and we’ll get you materials and a t shirt.
If you can't make it to the polls, there are other ways to help from donations and hosting fundraisers. Please let me know that you will help me get the message out to voters, and you are ready for active, thoughtful leadership by pitching in $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or $2,900.
John Sarbanes coasted the last 15 years on his father’s name, but those days are done after this primary. I’ve been fighting for Marylanders right here at home, and I will do it again in DC. You can count on me.
Let Sarbanes know that his days of being a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi are over. Join us at the polls, and let’s win this primary!