News from Representative Clarke

December 5, 2019

The jig is up for con artists who have time and time again deceived the American people into answering fraudulent robocalls calls that put them on the hook for outrageous charges on their phone bills. I’m proud to share that yesterday my legislation, the “Ending One-Ring Scams Act,” passed the House of Representatives as part of the TRACED Act to stop bad robocalls.

If you’ve had a missed call from an unknown number and decide to call it back, only to learn it was a robocall, the robocaller can then collect fees from cell phone carriers. These incurred fees then trickle down to consumers, like you, on cell phone bills. My legislation, the “Ending One-Ring Scams Act” will end these one-ring scams through a series of safeguards and actions from the government. 

Rep. Yvette Clarke Speaks on House Floor about One-Ring Scams

I’m proud my legislation passed the House yesterday because I know robocalls are more than annoying--they’re costly. I’m working hard for you in Congress on things that matter to NY-09, like ending scam robocalls. Watch what I had to say on the House floor about scam robocalls.


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