MARCH ON is dedicated to increasing voter turnout and driving Democrats to the polls. Our data-driven solutions helped defeat Donald Trump in in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to hold the House and Senate in 2022 to advance our progressive agenda.

Climate change is not a problem of the future but of the present, and marginalized communities across the world are feeling the brunt of its impact.


Vogue just released the first article on Tokala, our new photo series:

Tokala highlights the intersectionality of climate and social justice, centering BIPOC frontline youth organizers and the stories of the communities they are fighting for.

Our series seeks to uplift the critical work of these frontline organizers while simultaneously supporting their efforts through our Youth Direct Action Fund (YDAF). YDAF is a flexible fund granted by young people, for young people — providing monetary and material resources needed to sustain organizing work.


Our hope is that this project will not only raise awareness of the work that frontline organizers are doing, but also encourage others to make use of these resources to join and lead similar efforts across the country.


Please check out the first article in this series, then share the application form for the Youth Direct Action Fund with young people in your life >>


Our first section of the series features the work of two indigenous youth organizers based in California.


Ce Tochtli Atlakatl Orozco is a land defender from El Sereno, CA in East Los Angeles. Ce Tochtli’s story is focused on the displacement of the native community in El Sereno by CalTrans and the work he does — not only organizing against CalTrans, but also helping provide resources for his community through the El Sereno Community Garden.

Our other activist is Danielle Rey Frank from the Hoopa Reservation in Northern California. Danielle is a water protector dedicated to restoring and preserving the health of the Klamath and Trinity rivers, which have been suffering from lower levels and higher temperatures — affecting food and resources for her reservation.

Look out for more articles in the Tokala series in the coming weeks!



Thank you for being a strong supporter of MARCH ON, Friend. Our women-led team is working 24/7 to take the energy from our first Women's March to create the most robust Democratic voter turnout operation in our nation's history.

Paid for by MARCH ON