We wanted to make sure you got to take a look at this strategy memo from our Campaign Manager.
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Hey, John!

It’s Will Simons, Josh’s Communications Director. I wanted to give you an inside view of what our strategy is to win and November.

This isn’t a conventional move by campaigns. Too many only share their strategies with a small number of folks in a boardroom — but we don’t work like that. We know our grassroots supporters — like you — are the most crucial piece of any plan we make, and we want your eyes on this.

Can you look at our campaign's strategy memo, and then consider contributing to make sure that we are reaching every single voter before November?

Thanks team

Will Simons
Communications Director
Shapiro for Pennsylvania



TO: Team Shapiro

FROM: Dana Fritz

MEMO: Shapiro for Pennsylvania 2022 Strategy


Money helps us reach voters. Every dollar donated to this campaign goes towards getting our message in front of more voters to make our case for why Josh Shapiro is the only choice for voters who care about the future of Pennsylvania.

In the last month, we aired several ads across the Commonwealth that highlighted Josh Shapiro’s strong record of fighting for Pennsylvanians, as well as the stark contrast between Josh and Doug Mastriano. This, combined with our growing social media and online presence, is helping us to grow our campaign exponentially.

While this is great news for us, we can’t let up now. We have a long road ahead of us before Election Day and we need to commit more resources towards communicating Josh’s agenda and defeating Doug Mastriano.


Our team is driven by standing up for what’s right — not by the polls. But to spend our resources wisely, we do keep an eye on the numbers. The most recent public polling shows Josh Shapiro and Doug Mastriano within the margin of error, which means this race is essentially tied.

We knew from that start that this would be a tight race — but two tight polls so close together only confirms that this will be neck and neck until November 8.


The only way that we will be able to win this election is if we are able to build a broad coalition of voters across the state that agree on the most basic of issues: protecting the right to choose, helping all Pennsylvanians get ahead, and strengthening the foundations of our democracy.

By recruiting voters from traditionally Republican, rural counties, and reaching out to Pennsylvanians in all 67 counties, we can mobilize this coalition to give us a winning edge in this race. There is a place for everyone in this campaign whether they are Republican, Democrat, or Independent — urban, suburban, or rural.


This campaign has what it takes to cross the finish line ahead of our opponent. We have a once-in-a-generation candidate, an already broad coalition of supporters, and a set of strong ideals and values to fight for.

We know the stakes have never, ever been higher. If we don’t get Josh Shapiro elected abortion will criminalized in Pennsylvania. Voting rights will be threatened like never before. Workers will be unable to unionize.

In order to win we must always expand our coalition of Democrats, progressives, Republicans, moderates, Independents, and people who have been sitting on the sidelines. There’s room in this campaign for every Pennsylvanian, and it’s on us to make sure that they know that Josh Shapiro has always taken on the big fights for them — and will keep that up as our next Governor.

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