Time to wake up and smell the ripe pollen in the air. The world is alive. Can you feel it? We live within a glorious web of messy existence. Breathe it all in. And then sneeze it all out.
TrueCost: Solution to the climate crisis.
Hey all you world-weary warriors,
Fuck It All Friday is your weekly chance to stick it to the powers intent on untangling the intricate system the planet has grown over four billion years.

It's a new kind of ritual. Every week, we go about our lives. We put in the hours at work—corporate or honest labor—we give capital four days out of the week. But on Friday we
 take to the streets, unfurl our anthems of protest, and hold our leaders' feet to the fire.
After all, we're in the planetary endgame now. It's time to up the cadence of our protests. This is all-hands-on-deck. If you've got an idea, don't waste time on making it perfect; do it on Friday.
But some actions take time, and not every Friday can be a big blowout. Send us your ideas for Fuck It All Fridays. Big or small, make sure it's a direct action. Your idea might weave its way into a future dispatch.

And if you appreciate these missives, forward this to a friend who would benefit from weekly dispatches about the global revolution. Today we number 17,000, but to spark a world revolution in how we live, love and think, we need a hell of a lot more of us.
In the meantime, if you can't find something big to do next Fuck It All Friday, here's something small: go forth and plant seeds.
The world is alive. Can you feel it? We live within a glorious web of messy existence. Breathe it all in. And then sneeze it all out.

Collect a bunch of native wildflower seeds and scatter them in a patch where nothing but grass grows. Your neighbour’s garden, the school football field, the verge by the side of the road — 
monoculture in miniature. If all that’s permitted to grow in these spaces is one type of close-cut grass, what hope do bugs have of making a home; what hope do bees have of thriving?
Nature, left to her own devices, knows best how to allow life to thrive. Planting wildflowers is just giving her the chance. It’s the perfect non-crime. Bring life where before there was only monoculture.
For the Wild,
The Third Force
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