This report is the 24th in a series of annual publications produced jointly by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). It provides official estimates of school crime and safety from a variety of data sources, including national surveys of students, teachers, principals, and post-secondary institutions. It presents data on different types of student victimization, measures of school conditions, and student perceptions about their personal safety at school. This report supplements Incidence of Victimization at School and Away From School (NCJ 304624) in the Condition of Education report, which BJS and NCES released in May 2022.
This report presents data on the rate of violent victimization for persons who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender during the 4-year aggregate period of 2017 to 2020. It provides demographic characteristics of victims of violent crimes, including sex, race or Hispanic origin, and age. It also presents data on the types of violent crimes involved and whether victims chose to report the victimization to the police. Population estimates for persons age 16 or older by sexual orientation and gender identity are also provided.
This report fulfills the mandate established by the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA; P.L. 108-79) that requires BJS to produce a report, not later than June 30 of each year, on BJS?s activities to collect data on prison rape.
This report is the twelfth in a series that began in 2011. It describes BJS?s data collection activities during 2021 and 2022 and new statistical findings to measure the incidence and prevalence of rape and sexual assault in adult correctional and juvenile justice facilities, including through the National Survey of Youth in Custody, the National Inmate Survey, and the Survey of Sexual Victimization. Each of these collections is a separate effort, and they are not directly comparable.
This report describes the steps used to calculate the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) formula-based award amounts and presents summary results of the fiscal year 2021 calculations.
The JAG program is the leading source of federal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. The Bureau of Justice Assistance administers the program, and the Bureau of Justice Statistics calculates the award amounts. The JAG program provides states, tribes, and local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of criminal justice areas. States and localities receive funds based on their resident population reported by the U.S. Census Bureau and on violent crime data reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation?s Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
A Q&A addendum to the FY 2022 Census of State Courts (CSC) solicitation is now available for applicants. Get details on the courts and U.S. territories in the last sampling frame, how to find out what was collected in the last census, and the response rate for the FY 2022 CSC.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics has released the 2020 Annual Survey of Jails dataset through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. The survey collects data from a sample of approximately 950 local jails (city, county, regional, and private) nationwide. It provides national estimates on?
counts of admissions, releases, and staff
demographic characteristics and criminal justice status of the jail population
holds for federal and state prison authorities
rated capacity of jails.