PETITION: This Supreme Court is increasingly facing a legitimacy crisis.

"The US supreme court has declared war on the Earth’s future." - The Guardian said about the Republican justices gutting of the EPA's power to fight climate change.

But what those justices did goes far beyond that even. As The Atlantic reported, "THE SUPREME COURT HAS DECLARED WAR ON GOVERNING." The way they wrote the ruling "speaks to their larger, much scarier, project to dismantle the administrative state."

Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her dissent, "I cannot think of many things more frightening."

Sen. Elizabeth Warren spoke for millions last week, saying this Supreme Court "has burned whatever legitimacy they may still have had... they just took the last of it and set a torch to it."

SIGN THE NEW COALITION PETITION TO CONGRESS & THE WHITE HOUSE: "This Supreme Court is increasingly facing a legitimacy crisis. Congress must consider Court reforms aimed at restoring the American people's trust and confidence in the Supreme Court."

And, if you can, please donate to this critical work -- challenging the Supreme Court's legitimacy -- here.

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-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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