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Great Power folly? NATO’s ill-timed turn to China

By Doug Bandow on Jul 05, 2022 03:41 am

While Europe becomes increasingly dependent on the US in its own backyard, the alliance puts Beijing on notice.
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Can outside actors stop the atrocities in Africa’s Sahel?

By Alex Thurston on Jul 05, 2022 03:00 am

We know that counterterrorism programs are not helping, but some of the non-military plans long abandoned by the US could work.
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A US security alliance in the Middle East is unjustified

By Paul R. Pillar on Jul 05, 2022 03:00 am

There is no legitimate case for Washington making new security commitments and assuming additional costs on behalf of Saudi Arabia and Israel.
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Why is the US determined to build a security alliance against Iran?

By Faezeh Fathizadeh on Jul 04, 2022 01:48 am

The pieces are aligning ahead of Biden's trip to the Middle East next week — almost too neatly. But will it create or shatter stability?
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Ignoring the ghosts of the ‘Great War’ — at our own peril

By George Beebe on Jul 01, 2022 02:30 am

The NATO summit, as well as Lithuania's moves on Kaliningrad, show that the lessons of WWI — its beginning and end — are lost on us.
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NATO boasts unity but potential for division lies ahead

By Eldar Mamedov on Jun 30, 2022 03:00 am

As the war in Ukraine drags on, already diverging camps in the Atlantic Alliance are likely to fracture further.
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