We live in an oligarchy, a system of inverted totalitarianism with an illusion of choice propagated by elections between two candidates that are both chosen by the ruling class, in which elections are rigged by gerrymandering, voter purges and lawsuits, and a dishonest media that is owned by the same oligarchs that run the country which exists not to inform but to keep us uninformed as they put on a show of fair elections to ensure that their coworkers in Congress will always support the empire in it's fanatical, criminal, militaristic ways whether the citizens of the empire support them or not and a policy of spending unlimited sums of money on weapons and on policing to keep the masses in line as they are increasingly deprived of food, education, healthcare or shelter so that more and more money can be spent on the unlimited weapons that further enrich the ruling class at the detriment of everyone else, but go ahead and celebrate an independence we don't actually have.

The Democrat Party is NOT democratic. Their efforts to block Green Party candidates from the ballot is voter suppression. Senate candidate Matthew Hoh was on Jimmy Dore to talk about the illegal sabotage that his campaign is experiencing.
Until you stop supporting the Democrat Party, no matter how corrupt or right wing it gets, the party will continue to try to appeal to the right, not the left, because you've given it no reason to appeal to the left.
Obama once said it was his #1 priority. Joe Biden promised to codify Roe v Wade as a campaign promise. Why haven't Democrats codified Roe v Wade when they've had the chance? Because it's a political football that gives them an advantage, and if they codify it into law than they won't be able to fund raise off Supreme Court nominations anymore.
A couple months ago, catalytic converter thieves destroyed my car in broad daylight. I'm trying to raise enough to buy a used replacement. Can you pitch in? Every dollar adds up. It really does.
Your freedom wasn't in Iraq and it's not in Ukraine. Your freedom is right here. It isn't gone yet, but as soon as Julian Assange is extradited, you will lose it. It might not be immediately apparent, but one day you will miss its absence sorely. His extradition has been approved by the British Home Secretary, Priti Patel, and is now pending a final high court challenge. And the same people in government who are persecuting this political prisoner are the same people pushing for endless war.
Here is the episode (on Rokfin) of The Grayzone that was censored on YouTube by British intelligence because it reveals a psy-op against anti-war journalists that expose government corruption.
Health officials at the National Institute of Health are not required to divulge whether they've received royalties payments from drug or insurance companies.
US officials AT EVERY LEVEL have said bits of truth about Ukraine (that NATO provoked the war, that Ukraine is a proxy war, that the US doesn't want it to end, that Ukraine can't defeat Russia, that Ukraine is basically defeated already) and yet because outlets like Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN and MSNBC won't put these facts together and cover them in any substantial way, crooked politicians are able to get away with giving your money to weapons manufacturers.
Any attempt to establish socialism, or even serious pro-worker policies will be met with violence, as in the establishing of unions in this country. At that point, we will want to be able to defend ourselves from the violent right or we must accept their chains.
Israel makes threats against Iran, bombs it periodically, assassinates scientists and yet calls Iran the threat and demands far more transparency for Iran than Israel itself is willing to display.
Republicans will take away your rights. Democrats will take away your rights with a smile and while wearing Kente cloth. Liberals: "It's a false equivalency to say they're the same. Republicans don't wear Kente cloth."
Western leaders are destroying western economies and creating a massive famine. They are blaming Russia, pretending first that Russia was blocking grain exports, and then when Vladimir Putin said he was not blocking exports and would guarantee safe passage for such a purpose, the narrative changed to "Putin is selling stolen grain". The US, knowing full well that famine is already threatening some African and Middle Eastern countries, is trying to pressure Africa into creating the famine themselves. Western sanctions have already isolated the west from much of the world, but now US leaders seem to be angling for further isolation. If you're paying attention, it looks like a controlled demolition of western economies.
Israel was built on ethnic cleansing, and that ethnic continues to this day in places like the Silwan neighborhood of East Jerusalem and in the West Bank. The largest ethnic cleansing project in years is being conducted right now in a Palestinian village called Masafer Yatta, where the Israeli government arbitrarily declared a military firing range in their village. The residents have been fighting this in court for decades, but ultimately the court decided not to believe their proof that their families had been living there for hundreds of years, and their homes are now being demolished. And still American Zionists deny ethnic cleansing and apartheid conditions in colonial Israel. Richard Medhurst interviews one of the residents of Masafer Yatta.
Don't bargain yourself down before you make demands of the government. If your message is: "People are going hungry, renters are struggling, homelessness is getting worse, but at least give poor families $250 per child per month for 6 months" then ALL YOU'RE GOING TO GET is $250 per child per month to poor families for 6 months.
Locally, in American Canyon, we've still got a small group of residents advocating for bringing back our farmer's market and another group advocating for a park for disabled children. The farmer's market group appears to have found an ally in the Chamber of Commerce and the disabled park group seems to have found allies in the Parks & Rec department. Let me know if you'd like to be a part of either group. Your participation can be as hands off as emails to city council members or as hands on as making public comments at Zoomed city council meetings.
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