The 'Two-State Solution' to Destroy Israel
by Khaled Abu Toameh • July 4, 2022 at 6:00 am
The vast majority of the Palestinians, however, make it abundantly clear that they do not believe in the "two-state solution" and would rather see Hamas, the Iranian-backed terror group whose charter calls for the elimination of Israel, replace the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas.
According to the results of the poll, opposition to the concept of the "two-state solution" stands at 69%. Another 75% of respondents also expressed opposition to the idea of a one-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians would live together and enjoy equal rights. – Poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, June 28, 2022
Most Palestinians said [in the poll] that Hamas is the most deserving to represent and lead the Palestinian people.
Hamas's rising popularity among the Palestinians means that the Palestinian state the Biden administration is seeking to establish next to Israel would soon be ruled by an Islamist group whose covenant states that "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as Islam obliterated others before it."
Hamas leaders have never been anything but clear and consistent about their intention to eliminate Israel and kill Jews.
Hamas and its supporters do not believe in Biden's "two-state solution or any peace process with Israel. The only solution they want is one that would see Israel and the Jews vanish from this world. Sadly, a majority of the Palestinians (as evidenced by the latest poll) share the ideology of Hamas and want to see even more Jews killed.
The Biden administration needs to understand that, under the current circumstances, advancing the idea of a "two-state solution" is tantamount to advocating bloodshed and violence in the Middle East.
The administration also needs to understand that Abbas, the Palestinian leader it is endeavoring to engage and relying on to make peace, utterly lacks the backing of a majority of his people for any peace plan with Israel.

While the Biden administration continues to talk about its commitment to the "two-state solution," a majority of the Palestinians are saying that they support the Islamist Hamas terror group and want to see more terrorist attacks against Jews.
The Biden administration is living under the illusion that the "two-state solution," which would see the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state alongside Israel, is the only way to achieve peace, security and stability in the Middle East.
The vast majority of the Palestinians, however, make it abundantly clear that they do not believe in the "two-state solution" and would rather see Hamas, the Iranian-backed terror group whose charter calls for the elimination of Israel, replace the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas.
On June 30, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Abbas to discuss President Joe Biden's upcoming trip to the Middle East.