
246 years ago today, the greatest country in the history of the world was born into existence with the commemoration of the Declaration of Independence…

Happy Birthday to the United States of America!!!

We hope all patriots will join us today in a celebration that’s as glorious as our country itself - enjoy the 4th with friends and family, and thank you for always standing alongside our party in the fight for the very nation that we are blessed to be celebrating today!
We also can’t afford to forget - the rights and freedoms that were established with the founding of America wouldn’t be preserved without the brave sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. Let’s not forget to keep that in mind today as we celebrate.

Above all, no matter what the America Last left-wing wants you to believe, this country DESERVES to be celebrated.

So once again, Happy Birthday, America! We are proud to always put you FIRST!

God bless the USA!

-Republican Party of Arizona