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Dear John,

Our water future is at risk. Droughts are commonplace, cities are running dry, and climate change, if left unchecked, will only continue to make things worse. And as water supplies dwindle, pressures on this precious natural resource will only get more extreme.

In fact, the U.N. projects that global water demand will increase by 20-30% by 2050. The $5 trillion food and ag sector already relies on 70% of the world’s fresh water to grow crops, feed livestock, and process ingredients. These companies are not only at risk due to water scarcity, they are partially responsible for it. Agriculture is rapidly draining aquifers in many regions of the world, and meat production is one of the biggest polluters of watersheds globally. Water risk is an undeniable environmental and economic threat.
That’s why we developed the Ceres Investor Water Toolkit — the first comprehensive resource for institutional investors to evaluate and act on water risks in investment portfolios. This guide includes links to resources, databases, case studies and other tools for investors from all asset classes to use and apply. Learn more in our new tutorial video above.
Water Risk Case Study: Lessons from Breckinridge Capital Investors: Methods for Integrating Water Risk into Corporate and Municipal Bond Analysis.

Our latest Investor Water Toolkit case study explores how Breckinridge Capital Advisors incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into its investment decisions with a focus on water risk. The case study unpacks the process Breckinridge uses to evaluate how water risk and possible credit-risk implications for municipal and corporate borrowers.
Download the Case Study Now
For more information and case studies on how to embed water into daily investment decision-making visit the Ceres Investor Water Toolkit.
Thank you!
Robin Miller

Robin Miller
Investor Engagement, Water,

Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy.

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