“A republic, if you can keep it.” >>

Happy 4th of July, John.

Today, as we celebrate this country, I want to make sure you see this powerful message we sent last week. Watch and share this urgent warning from General Tony Zinni, former Commander in Chief of the United States Central Command.

You know that keeping Democracy intact takes work. RepresentUs members like you have been at it all over the country winning real reforms.

But your friends and family could probably use a boost of motivation this 4th of July. So please, watch and share.

Thank you, 

Joshua Graham Lynn
CEO, Cofounder

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“A republic, if you can keep it.”

That was the guidance and warning laid down by Benjamin Franklin in 1787.

This Independence Day – a day to come together and reflect on the state of our nation, former Commander in Chief of the US Central Command and lifelong Marine, General Anthony Zinni has a message for us all.

Watch and share this urgent and powerful warning about America from US Marine Corps General Tony Zinni.

Watch now.

As we celebrate Independence Day and reflect on the things that make us proud of our country, know that there’s reason to hope!

City by city, state by state, RepresentUs members like you are making a difference. Already this year, patriots helped pass Ranked Choice Voting in Hawaii and Vermont, defended the ballot measure process in North Dakota and Missouri, and won a comprehensive voter protection bill in Rhode Island.

See? When we work together and put country over party, we can do this, John. Watch and share this message from General Zinni and take a pledge to protect democracy by getting involved.

With hope,

Damon Effingham
Director, Federal Reform


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