Dear Reader,
About 1,800 news outlets have closed in the last 15 years; there are 47 percent fewer newsroom employees keeping an eye on local governments and the schools they run. The resulting lack of independent oversight of governmental institutions, public education not least of all, is scary to many of us who believe in the importance of transparency.
The good news is that nonprofit journalism (that’s what we do!) is growing. Our stories are free online and will remain so. But we’re not shying away from asking for your monetary support.
Our team of award-winning education reporters, data specialists and editors spend their time studying research, interviewing sources, tracking down public records, writing and revising stories, taking photos and producing our website. And that’s not to mention our efforts building interactive tools and navigating multi-part investigations.
We know you read our work nearly every week. Please do your part so that we can keep producing the reliable, well-researched and nuanced education reporting you depend on.