This 4th of July, we remember and commit to forming a more perfect union with equality, liberty, and justice for ALL. We still have much to do in our long battle for justice and freedom.
It’s hard to celebrate the land of the free when half our nation was stripped of fundamental, essential freedoms and the right to self-determination. But across Wisconsin, I’ve seen hope. I’ve seen hope in the people I’ve met in living rooms and picnic tables. I’ve seen hope in the people I’ve met in labor halls and family farms. I’ve seen hope in people I’ve met at festivals and fairs. Across the campaign trail, people have hope, and I know we can work together to move our state and country forward.
As you celebrate today with family, friends, and loved ones, let us not forget that there is hope, and together we will work to ensure our country works for all Americans.
Thank you,
Alex Lasry