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Dear Jack,

Exclusive insight from the Mississippi Center for Public Policy
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Two hundred and forty six years ago today, ‘the greatest of all human adventures’ began. America declared herself independent. She went on to adopt a constitution that turned 13 British colonies into the greatest republic that has ever existed. 
‘No other national story’, according to the British historian Paul Johnson, ‘holds such tremendous lessons … for the whole of mankind’.
Here at the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, we are determined that those lessons should continue to be taught. Through our podcast and video output, we reach tens of thousands of Mississippians, especially young Mississippians.
Recent programs have included:
  • Douglas Murray, Fox News contributor and author
  • Matt Ridley, writer
  • Ilya Shapiro, one of America’s leading constitutional lawyers
  • Shad White, State Auditor
We are soon to release America Explained, a three part series aimed at explaining to young Mississippians why their country is so exceptional.
As you celebrate 4th of July, sign up so we can keep you updated with special insights all year round.
Warm regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
PS. Almost 10,000 folks have subscribed to our YouTube channels, please join us!
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Mississippi Center for Public Policy
520 George St
Jackson, MS 39202-3013

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