Thank you for joining the 22nd Allied Media Conference.
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Thank you for joining the 22nd Allied Media Conference. Whether you joined us online or here in Detroit, your vibrant energy radiated throughout the conference and beyond. Thank you for coming on this journey with us, for bringing your generosity, and your genius.
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For 22 years, we have relied on the feedback from our community after each conference to make the next ones more accessible, pleasurable, and liberatory. Please take the post-AMC survey while it’s all still fresh! ([link removed])
Take the post-AMC Survey ([link removed])
We’re excited to make all AMC2022 plenary sessions and ceremonies available online in the month of August. Follow us on Instagram ([link removed]) and Twitter ([link removed]) at @AlliedMediaConf and subscribe to the Allied Media Projects newsletter to stay connected.
All photos taken by Kenny Karpov
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