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Hi John,

Right now thousands of people across Canada are ramping up for the world's biggest human rights event: Write for Rights 2019

Around International Human Rights Day, December 10, people around the world will send a letter on behalf of someone they’ve never met. 

Register now to take part in this powerful, global day of action.

With 300+ events in Canada this weekend and early next week, we're set to make a huge impact in the lives of the courageous young people we're supporting this year.

Haven't signed up yet? There's still time!

Make sure you register so your voice counts toward the global impact!

Last year, we sent more than 5.9 million letters, emails, tweets and solidarity messages to help convince government officials to release people imprisoned for expressing their opinion, stop the use of torture, commute death sentences and end other human rights abuses. 

This year, we’re throwing our might behind young people who are firefighting some of the world’s biggest crises. Many have stepped in where adults have failed, and are facing terrible danger as a result.

One of the cases is here in Canada, of Indigenous youth from Grassy Narrows First Nation, who are fighting for justice in the face of 50 years of mercury poisoning in their community.  

Watch the video to meet the youth of Grassy Narrows, and sign up for Write for Rights to support their struggle for a healthy future.

We hope you'll join us for Amnesty International's biggest event of the year. No matter how you mark Human Rights Day, thank you for everything you do for human rights all year!


The Write for Rights Team
Amnesty International Canada

P.S. Your words have the power to change lives. Will you join us in supporting the youth of Grassy Narrows and the other courageous young Write for Rights cases? Sign up now.



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 Amnesty International Canadian Section (English Speaking)
312 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1H9  1-800-AMNESTY (266-3789)
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