The Will to Kill |
Once we accept that our country is in a moral crisis, we are faced with the truth: gun control will not fix the unraveling of humanity.
Instead, we should be de-escalating the will to kill.
Read more in my Op-Ed below.
The Deadliest Human Smuggling Operation in Modern History |
Human smugglers don't care about the safety of migrants – they're in it for the money.
Biden's reckless policies are enabling tragedies like this to occur.
How many more need to die before the president wakes up and secures the southern border?!
Biden's Incentivization of Illegal Immigration Is Destroying America |
Biden’s incentivization of illegal immigration has:
- Enriched drug cartels
- Created a fentanyl/opioid crisis
- Enabled human trafficking
- Killed Americans and migrants
- Burdened U.S. taxpayers
- Endangered our national security
I can keep going…
Americans Prepare for a Costly Independence Day |
Americans will pay more this Independence Day thanks to surging inflation and prices.
This year’s BBQ will cost you 17% more than it did in 2021!
Addressing the Violence by Pro-Abortion Activists |
The Left is silent while pro-abortion extremists firebomb churches/pro-life centers and attack police officers with flamethrowers.
Ironically, many of the riots over the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision are taking place in Democrat states where abortion laws won't change.
I discussed this more on Newsmax – watch below!
De Facto Amnesty |
“Federal prosecutors are quietly dismissing stacks of cases against illegal immigrants under a Biden administration mandate that could be on pace to effectively pardon 1 million people by 2024…”
Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has abandoned his sworn oath and should be removed immediately.
Recognizing Officer Jeff Spencer |
On Wednesday, I had the privilege of recognizing Baytown Police Officer, Jeff Spencer, with a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol for his lifesaving action on April 26th.
Officer Spencer’s swift action saved a man attempting to take his own life on the Fred Hartman Bridge.
He and his K-9 partner, Big, make a great team!
Drug Cartels Control Our Southern Border |
Joe Biden is the cartels' best friend.
The White House Is Lying |
The White House's claim that our southern border is closed is a BALD-FACED LIE.
Lives are being lost – Biden and the Democrats don't care!
A Welcomed Ruling |
I never thought I'd see a time when kneeling for our national anthem is celebrated but praying after a game is a fireable offense.
I'm glad the Supreme Court upheld the religious speech protections included under the First Amendment.
Terrorists Are Illegally Crossing the Southern Border |
Since October, CBP has apprehended 50 people on the terrorist watchlist trying to cross the border illegally – more than triple last year’s number.
Biden’s open-border policies have laid out the red carpet for terrorists and criminals worldwide.
The Democrats' Soft-on-Crime Policies Give Criminals a Free Pass |
Another example of the Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies.
More than 100,000 Americans died from fentanyl and other drug overdoses last year.
Yet, Democrat judges continue to give criminals like these, who possessed 150,000 fentanyl pills, a free pass.
Biden Blames Russia... Again |
Every crisis we’re facing can easily…and factually…be traced back to Joe Biden.
Instead of taking any responsibility, he continues to blame Russia.
Elections have consequences.
A Congressional Update |
It was a pleasure to give a congressional update to the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce last week.
We had a great visit, and thank you to all involved in putting this important meeting together!
REMINDER: Look at Your Passport! |
If you’re planning a trip out of the country, ensure your passport is valid!
With some international travel restrictions being lifted, processing times for passport renewals/new passports are increasing.
Plan ahead and have a safe and enjoyable summer!
RETURN our Constitutional Rights Act (H.R. 8167)
Summary: This bill eliminates the federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition.
Let Us Help You |
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.
Let us work on your behalf!