The Fourth of July holiday has always
been a special day to me and my family. This country offers so much to
the people that live here, and one of the best days in my life was the
day I became a U.S. citizen. I bring the sense of duty I felt that day
with me every single day I get to serve this city.
This Fourth of July we have a lot to
celebrate — we get to celebrate our families, being surrounded
by great friends and neighbors, and the fact that we live in this
great country. But at the same time, it's an opportunity to reflect on
all we still have to achieve. As we have seen in the last few weeks,
freedoms must continuously be defended. As far as we have come as a
country, as Americans, it is always our responsibility to the
generations that come after us to be engaged, and never stop fighting
to protect the rights so many before us have labored to
Throughout today and tomorrow, many
will gather to grill, eat, and celebrate the holiday weekend. I
encourage everyone to gather safely and respect their
neighbors. For those who want to enjoy fireworks, I want
to invite you to the Downtown Waterfront for an amazing fireworks show
at Queensway Bay. The free firework show can be seen all along the
waterfront, with the best views at Lions Lighthouse for Sight. For
parking and more information, please visit the website here.

As a reminder, all personal fireworks, even those deemed “Safe and
Sane,” are illegal in the City of Long Beach. When fireworks are set
off near communities and residential areas, they can trigger
flashbacks for our veterans and neighbors experiencing post-traumatic
stress disorder. The noise also creates panic for many animals, and
shelters fill with runaway pets every year. To report illegal
fireworks activity, call the non-emergency number at (562) 435-6711 or
submit a fireworks complaint at longbeach.gov/fireworks.
Thank you and Happy Fourth of July,
Mayor Robert Garcia