Friend -

There is a way out of the hyperinflationary blowout of the system, but it has nothing to do with fiddling with money or interest rates.? The question is, what should the human race be doing in a century from now?? Had President Kennedy not been assassinated, what would the United States look like today?? I have joined the call issued by the Schiller Institute and Helga Zepp-LaRouche for a New Bretton Woods Conference as the only possible option to halt our slide into oblivion.? We will be addressing an international audience in an online conference of the Schiller Institute today, Sunday July 3, at 1:00 pm EDT, entitled, This July 4, Declare for a New Bretton Woods.? I hope you are able to tune in.


Also, please visit for my Fourth of July leaflet and print out as many as you can and join the "Flood New York State with Reality" 100,000 distribution drive over the holiday.



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