John — we want to make sure you saw this.

Democrats from all across the country are sharing their input in our exclusive July Priorities Survey. Your responses will help guide our strategy, especially on issues like Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Court.

We need a few more responses from 19125 before we close the survey at midnight tonight. Share your responses now:



Today marks Day One of the last full quarter before the midterm elections. It also marks exactly one week since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

Last week's Supreme Court decision is a stark reminder of the danger of losing even one Senate seat this fall. If Mitch McConnell regains the Senate majority, he will have the power to pass a nationwide abortion ban.

So as we enter our last quarter before the November elections, we want to start by hearing from you.

Can you spare 60 seconds to fill out our July Priorities Survey? We want to hear from folks in 19125:


Thank you,

Defend the Senate

P.S. If we want to defend our narrow Senate majority, we need Democrats to turn out in record numbers this election. Check your voter registration now.