![]() Patriot, This week, Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, charged with “protecting” the American economy, offered an explanation for the out-of-control inflation so disgusting, so absurd, so outright ridiculous as to shock the conscience of any thinking person. . . Powell blamed inflation on the unvaccinated. That’s right. It’s not the Fed itself, printing money and doling it out to their political allies. It’s not the Biden regime’s deliberate energy policies to put American oil and gas industries out of business. It’s not the tens of billions of dollars in good money thrown after bad in the hopeless quagmire that is Ukraine, shipping off our military hardware just to be blown to bits by Russian missiles. Nope: It’s the fault of those who didn't take an experimental drug linked to strokes, heart failure, and a myriad of other serious maladies including death. This is what Powell actually said: “What did we get wrong? … believing ... everyone would get vaccinated and the millions of people who dropped out of the labor force would come right back in and the wages wouldn’t be under such pressure.” Got that? It’s the fault of those who didn’t take the jab. And it’s the fault of those who lost their businesses or jobs during the government ordered lockdowns. Powell is saying it’s not the government’s fault for scaring people half to death, forcing them out of work, and paying them not to work, of course. Whether it’s a shocking display of incompetence or a cynical political play to shift blame, the result is the same: The Federal Reserve is an unfit steward of the economy. And Patriot, they want even more control over your money than they already have. I’m talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend them on. . . The same goons who are blaming YOU for the financial Armageddon we are now facing! There’s no question the Biden administration is using global chaos to usher in an Orwellian surveillance state. As Joe Biden himself told a class of graduating elites at Columbia University in 2020: “From this
pandemic, you can remake the world as it should be. To see Covid-19 as the force majeure that compels us to rewrite the social
contract.” And in their eyes, "as it should be" means a world where your money, your job, and your speech are all under TOTAL government Central Bank control. DEMAND Congress
PROHIBIT the FED from implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency! For them, it's not enough the Fed's "print now, ask questions later" monetary policy helps them pretend they aren't destroying the purchasing power of your money. They want the ability to spend and spend on every boondoggle and bailout put in front of them, without the "hindrance" of the Fed actually having to print the paper dollars they create out of thin air. Don't be fooled by their talking points: they're nothing more than excuses to RAM through adoption of their Central Bank Digital Currency. And don't trust for one second their assurances about "data privacy safeguards" – there likely won't be a shred of privacy left if this scheme goes through. This is the other side of the coin to the “Vaccine Passports” Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci lust for. The Big Government statists in BOTH parties are fully on board with all of this. Together with the so-called "experts" they peddle familiar talking points, including: • “Preserving the Dollar's hegemony” (ENDLESS WARS); • “Serving under-banked minorities, and people of color” (RACIST “EQUITY” SCHEMES); • “Preventing the spread of Covid-19” (LOCKDOWNS); and of course, • “Protecting us from terrorists and criminals” (TRIED-AND-TRUE TRIPE) In fact, they all but declared you are a criminal if you want to do something radical like keep your financial life private. They’ll tell you it’s no big deal unless you have something to hide. That's no surprise. The Big Government statists in Congress LOVE this scheme to expand their RAW POWER over your life and liberty. You don't have to connect many dots to see it. Here's what I need you to do: First, sign your Directive to Congress: Do Not Allow the Fed to Implement Digital Currency! Then, after you have, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to bring this power grab to a crashing halt! Can you give a gift of $25, $50, or even $100 today? $500 will allow us to reach even more Americans to warn and them and activate them into action to fight the Fed’s latest disastrous decision. If you’re able to give $1,000 or more, we can use social media and traditional media to reach even more people. Your help today is crucial. Please act now. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. It may be their most Orwellian scheme yet – the global elites, Big Government authoritarians, and the banksters at the Federal Reserve are linking arms to impose Central Bank Digital Currency and force you and me onto a so-called "Digital Dollar." We're talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend them on! So, please, sign our Directive to Congress to Oppose Digital Currency immediately – then pitch in with your most generous gift of $100, $200, $500, $1,000, or whatever you can today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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