I'd like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who chipped in ahead of Thursday's FEC fundraising deadline. This deadline was a critical test of our strength headed into November. Thanks to you, we met and even surpassed our goal.
I'm so grateful to have you on this team.
From the very beginning, I made a decision that this campaign would be powered by -- and centered around -- the grassroots supporters who were eager for change in this district. You continue to prove that our team is a force to be reckoned with through Election Day.
I'd also like to wish you a happy, reflective, and safe Independence Day.
It's been a difficult few weeks, and this 4th of July is a reminder that protecting our rights and upholding democracy requires active participation. It’s incumbent on us to stand up for our shared values -- especially when we know our country can do better.
Thanks again for your support. Enjoy the weekend.