From Brand New Congress <[email protected]>
Subject This is NOT a DCCC fundraising email
Date July 2, 2022 4:16 PM
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John – [[link removed]] You’ve probably seen the screenshots of the (frankly) embarrassing emails the DCCC is sending out these days. We get those emails, too, and we’re just as frustrated by them as you are.
The same people who’ve been in power for decades and repeatedly failed us are badgering us for money. It’s infuriating.
We do things differently at Brand New Congress. We don’t take corporate PAC money, and neither do our candidates.
We don’t have a budget of millions of dollars. Most everything we do is handled by dedicated volunteers, and our small staff works around the clock to elect bold, working class progressives who are committed to a very different kind of politics.
We are one month out from the next big primary day for Brand New Congress candidates in Michigan, Missouri, and Washington.
In 2020, we helped Cori Bush become the first Black woman elected to Congress from Missouri, defeating a 50-year political dynasty. This year, four men are running to replace her – all of them backed by corporate interests.
BNC’s Rashida Tlaib is the first Palestinian-American, and one of only two Muslim women, ever elected to Congress. She’s been a vital progressive voice on both foreign and domestic policy, but this year Rashida is being targeted by a billionaire-funded PAC which plans to spend $1M to remove her from Congress.
Meanwhile, BNC’s Rebecca Parson (WA-06) and Stephanie Gallardo (WA-09) are each facing well-funded, corporate-backed incumbents in a top-two primary in Washington state.
All four of these races are competitive, and the outcome could depend on a handful of votes.
We’ve seen the Democratic establishment and their big money donors come after our candidates in a big way this year – most recently working to defeat Jessica Cisneros by just a couple hundred votes.
Now they’re coming after BNC’s elected representatives as well.
BNC is working to turn out the vote in all three states, but we need the resources to grow our infrastructure. Unfortunately we fell a little short on our June goal. Can you pitch in $25 (or more) now to help us catch up? [[link removed]]
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express,
your donation will go through immediately:
Rush $25 [[link removed]] Rush $50 [[link removed]]
Rush $100 [[link removed]] Rush $250 [[link removed]]
Rush $500 [[link removed]] Rush Other [[link removed]]
If we’ve learned anything this election season, it’s that EVERY VOTE counts and EVERY DOLLAR makes a difference.
However you’re able to contribute, whether it’s giving your time, making a contribution, or spreading the word about BNC candidates – all of it makes an impact. Thank you.💜
In solidarity,
The entire team at Brand New Congress
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Since 2016 BNC has led the way in advancing popular policies like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. We invest EARLY to help grassroots candidates succeed. We recruited and elected AOC in 2018 and Cori Bush in 2020 alongside Jamaal Bowman and Rashida Tliab. And we have our first win of 2022: Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick won her primary by FIVE votes thanks to BNC.
We have elections from now until November, and our candidates are counting on your support. Pitch in today and join us as we take over Congress and return power to the people.
DONATE >> [[link removed]]
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Mailing Address:
Brand New Congress
P.O. Box 972
Pearland, TX 77588
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