Dear NCRC members and allies,

We all know it: The stakes for low income Americans have never been higher. The working class continues to be held back by systemic and enduring inequality. But the economic and social justice leaders, innovators, activists and organizations that support them are fragmented. We're splintered across a multitude of issues that underlie inequality. 

So how do we create real opportunity for everyone, especially the poor and working class?

Here’s one way: Be part of the action at the 2020 Just Economy Conference. It’s the leading national conference for economic and social justice. It's April 27 - 29, 2020, in Washington, D.C.

But wait, before you register, become an NCRC member to save almost 60% on your conference registration.

As a member, you'll also get access to customized research, data and training expertise, member-only advocacy intel and organizing help.

Then register for the Just Economy Conference before December 20 to reserve your seat at the early-bird member rate.
Register Now

We want you to be part of it with us. See you in April.    

- Team NCRC
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