Representative Marchant is running scared. We would like to wish him well on his new endeavors. Don't let the door hit you on the way out Kenny!
The GOP knows how vulnerable they are. They know they have lost on things like education and healthcare and that the American people are no longer on their side. Here's why they are scared of John:
- They've seen we are running a campaign by and for the people, with the largest field program in the district's history; with more than 34,000 voters already reached at their doors.
- They know that when elected, John will only vote on the interests of all Americans. He will ONLY vote based on the truths, facts, and science-based evidence he has studied his entire career.
We are relying on grassroots donor like you to help attain the resources this campaign needs to run a campaign that is about ALL of us - chip is $5, $10, $25 and help us elect the FIRST neuroscientist ever to the United States' Congress.
If you've saved payment information
with ActBlue Express, your donation
will go through immediately.

Alex Fitzgerald,
Campaign Finance Director, Biggan for Congress
P.O. BOX 911, Bedford, Texas 76095, USA
Phone: (940) 859-0038